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Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Climate Change Awareness in Seke and Murewa Districts of Zimbabwe

Type of Resource:
Working paper

Year of Publication:

- Challenges
- Solutions or Strategies
- Trends

- Internet Access, Affordability And Use

Author(s): ATPS

Significant differences in the level of climate change awareness were observed between those who had access and those who did not have access to ICTs, with those who had access having a higher level of awareness than those who did not have access. However not all ICTs were found to significantly influence the likelihood of a respondent being aware of climate change. The following ICTs were found to have a significant positive influence on the likelihood of an individual being aware of climate change: reading farming/environmental magazines (really old ICTs); access to radio (old ICTs); access to mobile phone (new ICTs). Recommendations include: ICTs should be embraced in enhancing climate change awareness especially in areas that have limited access to other sources of information. However, this should not be done in isolation but should intergrated with the broader development agenda; There is need to initiate public awareness about climate change encompassing all the different aspects such as: causes; effects; mitigation and adaptation strategies; How individuals perceive the technology and its capabilities is an important determinant in its utilisation to enhance development. Hence these perceptions should be taken into account; The promotion and use of ICTs should not be determined by how long they have been in use but should be based on the appropriateness of the technology in each particular setting.


Region of Study:

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Study Quality