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Customer Social Media Brand Engagement, Word Of Mouth And Purchase Intention: The Moderating Role Of Trust

Type of Resource:

Year of Publication:

- Enablers
- Trends

- Internet Access, Affordability And Use

Author(s): Bismark Omane Asante

The study examined the effect of customer social media brand engagement on word of mouth and purchase intention as well as explored the moderating effect of brand trust in such a relationship. The study employed an explanatory design using quantitative research approach to explain the cause and effect of the dimensions of customer social media brand engagement on word of mouth and purchase intention. The study revealed that vigor, co-creation, and consumption had a substantial effect on consumer word-of-mouth behaviour whereas dedication, co -creation, and consumption affected consumer purchase intention, suggesting that, the dimensions of customer social media brand engagement have different significant effects on the consumer’s behavioural intentions.


Region of Study:
West Africa,

Country of Study:

Study Quality