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Communication Authority of Kenya: Annual Report for the Financial year 2016-2017

Type of Resource:
Research report

Year of Publication:

- Enablers
- Challenges
- Outcomes and Impacts
- Solutions or Strategies
- Trends

- Digital Literacy And Skills
- Internet for Democracy
- Internet Governance
- Internet Or Digital Rights and Freedoms
- Internet Safety

Author(s): Communication Authority of Kenya

This report is based on activities and initiatives implemented within the year under the four pillars of the Corporate Strategic Plan (2013-18). The corporate mission for the year was “Leverage Gains for Accelerated Uptake of ICTs”. To achieve this, the Authority enhanced the provision of an enabling environment for service providers in the information and communications sector, including broadcasting, multimedia, telecommunications, e-commerce, postal and courier services.


Region of Study:
East Africa,

Country of Study:

Study Quality