Creation of a digital database for preliminary index diagrams (PIDs): case study of Athiru / Ruujine / Ndoleli adjudication section, Meru County
Type of Resource:
Year of Publication:
- Trends
- Internet Access, Affordability And Use
Author(s): Isumba Stacey R.
In the Kenyan rural areas (designated as adjudication areas), land ownership is through the process of land adjudication, in which the Preliminary Index Diagrams (PIDs) are the official map documents. The PIDs together with adjudication records constitute the adjudication registers that form the basis for determination of interests and rights over land and the subsequent issuance of titles. A PID at a glance does not relay the information about the adjudication process; from the declaration of an adjudication area by a minister, declaration of the subsequent adjudication sections by the Land Adjudication Officers (LAOs), publication of the section, and other relevant information. The project has demonstrated how easy and fast it is to query and retrieve information using the digital database, by querying of the database, and data visualization on the web interface, as opposed to the cumbersome, time wasting and manual record-retrieving process that is prone to record mishandling/loss of information.
This approach is highly recommended to the relevant Ministry for adoption and implementation.
Region of Study:
East Africa,
Country of Study:
Study Quality