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The Use of Ict for Teaching and Learning in Senior High Schools in Ghana A Study of Nungua and Presbyterian, Teshie.

Type of Resource:

Year of Publication:

- Enablers
- Trends

- Internet Access, Affordability And Use

Author(s): Richard Kwesi Boni

This research reports on a study conducted to investigate the use of ICT for teaching and learning in Senior High Schools in Ghana specifically, Nungua Senior High School and Presbyterian Senior High School, Teshie. The results revealed that majority of the students and teachers did not use ICTs during normal classes. They only had access to computers during ICT lessons. They also lacked access to functional computers for private studies, training, and recreation. The researcher concluded that the students and teachers could not confidently and creatively use ICT for teaching and learning.


Region of Study:
West Africa,

Country of Study:

Study Quality