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Technology-enhanced teaching and learning: a case of the faculty of Art in Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Type of Resource:

Year of Publication:

- Enablers
- Trends

- Internet Access, Affordability And Use

Author(s): Annku Epilogue

Integrating technology into the teaching and learning environment has been a challenge for Ghanaian Universities. Delivery of instructions is mainly instructor-led, with partial or no student-lecturer electronic connection and the undergraduate departments at the Faculty of Art, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology are not an exception. Based on this, the researcher adopted a technology-enhanced course model (hybrid course model) that facilitated teaching and learning in large class sizes. The data analysis revealed that, there is a high potential of using digital technologies to augment the traditional teaching method with the end objective of increasing the level of student engagement, motivation and interaction in large classes.


Region of Study:
West Africa,

Country of Study:

Study Quality